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Development of a mechanism for the formation and implementation of social tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan by involving the state, employers and employees

Development and validation of the creation of a working model of social tourism and its mechanism for implementation and development based on the successful experience of foreign countries and the experience of the former USSR in the context of harmonization of relations between society and government that will create the basis for the development of domestic tourism, to create the conditions and to involve socially vulnerable segments of the population in the process travel and leisure, and ultimately this will lead to improved living standards of the population of citizens and to the development of the regional economy as a whole.

Priority: Scientific foundations of "Mangilik El" (education of the XXI century, fundamental and applied research in the field of humanities).

Specialized scientific direction: Fundamental, applied, interdisciplinary research in the field of social sciences: Research in the field of social modernization, demography, human potential, labor market, and labor relations.

Estimated start and completion date of the project, its duration: October, 2020 – September, 2021, 12 months.

Project purpose: to develop a mechanism of the voucher system for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the development of social tourism on the basis of a public-private partnership between stakeholders in the context of supporting socially vulnerable segments of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the positive experience of foreign countries and the experience of the former USSR.

Objectives of the project:

- analyze the successful experience of foreign countries in the development of social tourism and determine approaches, methods, and prospects for the formation and development of a barrier-free environment in Kazakhstan and foreign practice, determine the place of social tourism in the structure of tourist activities, clarify the conceptual framework in terms of social tourism;

- to conduct a quantitative sociological study to identify the possibility of developing social tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan using the SPSS Statistics software. 

- to study the readiness of the market (supply) for the development of social tourism to determine the possibility of developing a public-private partnership between stakeholders in social tourism;

- development and justification of the mechanism of social tourism and publication of an article or review in a scientific publication. Publication of the monograph. Obtaining a security document for a work of science.